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Australian Children's Music Foundation

Raising the bar

Eighties children embrace your nostalgia, remember Don Spencer? He’s a big deal and total music legend. We grew up watching Don each week on Play School, so when Don asked for our help to re-brand his charity the Australian Children’s Music Foundation (which includes supporters like Jess Mauboy, Tim Finn and Toni Collette), we were amped.

Key insight

Our research highlighted the brand’s challenge; awareness - not enough people knew about this incredible charity. The ACMF are having an incredible impact, as a social change agent using music to tackle inequity in Australia. For 20 years their long-term programs with schools, youth justice centres and hospitals have been unlocking hidden potential.

Their impact was about more than joy, we needed to evolve their brand to show how they change life trajectories.


ACMF’s point of difference was the long-term nature of their programs which run for a minimum of three-years; they are committed to creating life-long change in these young people. The programs have a tangible impact; proven to increase school attendance, self-esteem and resilience. The single-minded proposition we developed reflected this. ‘Raise the bar’ was a call to action for staff, ambassadors, funders, supporters and teachers. We have a solution that works, we need to raise ACMF’s profile and think like activists to get more people on board and raise the bar on equity in Australia.

The brand

Our insights told us a re-brand was needed to raise awareness and elevate the brand to be about more than music, connecting with the next generation of donors. We worked with the super talented Dan Marshall who massively amplified the brand with a new logo and wild impact explosion graphic. Together we repositioned the brand as vibrant, impactful and powerful, representing who ACMF truly are.

The result?

Launched in May, the brand has already gained huge traction, getting so much love on socials and coverage in national trade publications such as Campaign brief and Mumbrella, raising their profile to a national audience. With a brand new website, the sky is the limit for this incredible charity.

The research and strategic thinking that Guts has put into this project is a gamechanger for the ACMF and will stand the test of time. Big thanks to the Guts team for giving your passion and talent for this project!
Jade Harley, Director of Partnerships at UnLtd

Research & Brand Strategy: Guts Creative
Creative Director: Dan Marshall
Media Agency: This is Flow
Social Purpose Organisation: UnLtd
Web development: Trek Web Design

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Guts Creative acknowledges the awesome culture and creativity of the traditional custodians of the Country where we work: Awabakal Nation and Worimi Nation. We walk humbly in their footsteps, support the protection of their invaluable knowledge, and are inspired to do better by Elders past and present.
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